Whole Foods Cleanse: Results are IN!


As you may recall I ran my first-ever 12 Day Whole Foods Cleanse and Detox about a month ago.  I was so excited to offer this program and expected participants to have great results.  After looking at the final survey responses….I am thrilled to report that results were as positive as I had hoped.

On the program, participants were asked to eat only whole, unprocessed foods, and avoid common problem foods/substances including dairy, gluten, alcohol, caffeine, and sugar, along with any and all processed ingredients (refined flours, processed meats, etc).  Ok to eat were an abundance of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and unprocessed animal foods such as whole cuts of wild salmon and pasture-raised turkey or chicken.  For support participants were provided with two weeks of cleanse-friendly meal plans from Eat Happy Meal Plan, daily support emails, and conference calls during key points during the cleanse.

Here are key findings from the final survey:

  • 100% of participants reported at least 1 positive result while on average individuals reported 3.6 positive results
  • The number one most common positive result was improved digestion, with 70% of respondents reporting this result
  • The next most common cleanse results were a reduction in food cravings and clearer sinuses (tied for second most common) and improved mental clarity and better sleep (tied for third most common)
  • Cleanse respondents reported an average difficulty, on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the most difficult, of 2.1 (no one responded with higher than a 3)
  • The number one most beneficial support mechanism provided was the weekly meal plans, from Eat Happy Meal Plans (special cleanse edition!)
  • Finally, 100% of respondents reported that they would participate in a similar cleanse program again (I am really proud of this!)

Here are a couple of quotes from cleanse participants,:

Hi Alissa,  I wanted to let you know how well I am doing.  I have enjoyed the cleanse.  Made me more careful about eating and what to have on hand at home and to take to work.  I have lost 7 pounds.  The eczema on my thumbs seems to have calmed down- was very inflamed prior to cleanse.  Skin condition on my back has cleared.   I think I am going to try to maintain eating this way.”

“[On this cleanse] my stomach flattened out which I had been struggling with. And, amazingly, I found that I had more tolerance with my kids, especially in the afternoon when things are crazy!”

“Interestingly, one of the things I noticed most was (my digestion changes). This indicated to me that my entire system was getting cleaned and perhaps not working so hard on a daily basis to remove toxins. Also, thinking differently in terms of food and what to consider having on hand for meal preparation and snacks. Great experience. I will probably try to maintain this diet.”

As I know from working with many clients over the years, and this cleanse certainly confirms, what you eat makes a very real difference in how you feel.  And as the difficulty response above confirms, the effort doesn’t have to be overwhelming.  I will look forward to offering this cleanse again, and in the mean time if you’d like support reaching your health goals please contact me directly for individual support.

Eat Happy!




