Category: Events
Ten Reasons it’s Better to Eat Happy than Diet
Eat Happy: Transform Your Health with Foods You Love is available I recently put together this list, 10 reasons it’s better to Eat Happy than diet, for a presentation and thought it’d be fun to share. Read below, and for more specifics on how to Eat Happy check this out! This was written for […]
Pizza vs. Real Food, Round 1
Summer veggies saute Let me set the stage: it’s 4pm and I”m madly rushing to finish chapters on the manuscript of my first book, which I’m so excited about. If I get it done in the next week I’ll have an awesome opportunity to present and advertise my book at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition Conference […]
Top Five Reasons to do a Whole Foods Cleanse
Participating in a whole foods cleanse is a commitment to treating your body with attention, love and care for a period of time, and the benefits are many. Read below to see my top 5 reasons to do a whole foods cleanse: Quick results: Cleanses are ideal for people who want to feel better quickly, […]
Whole Foods Cleanse Details: February 2nd-13th, 2014
I have led hundreds of individuals through various types of cleanses, and have always enjoyed hearing how wonderful they make people feel. Results vary from predictable (“I feel so much better”) to sometimes astonishing (“I had no idea I could feel this way!”). So now I’m especially excited to offer my own customized cleanse program: […]
Time to Cleanse
If you’re looking for a way to jump start your New Year, I have just the thing: a 5-day fruit and veggie juice cleanse. Historically speaking I’ve not been a huge fan of dietary programs that require drastic change. I did my time with diets like Atkins and South Beach. Those two messed me up […]
No Plan Meal Plan Give-away: extended to 10/29/11
NPMP Give-away! No Plan Meal Plan helps you eat healthy and tasty meals with less time and stress. It includes 4 recipes per week with shopping list and weekly planner. Because I can always use great recipe ideas, email me your favorite fast and healthy recipe and get entered to win a free 3-month subscription! Email me […]
Dinner help has arrived
I’m super pumped, because my new dinner planning newsletter, No Plan Meal Plan has finally launched. Check it out! There are so many ways this can help you with your dinner-time routine; maybe you want to spend less time planning and be extra-efficient, perhaps you’re looking for fresh new dinner ideas, or maybe you’ve been […]
Need a Fresh start in 2011? Join me in a 21-day Cleanse at Cleveland Yoga!
Would you like to have more energy, better digestions, clearer skin and eyes, and develop a profound and deepened awareness of your personal power and the effect you have in the world? If so, join me and Cleveland Yoga for an upcoming 21-day Cleanse, based on the book Quantum Wellness by Kathy Freston. If you’re looking for […]